
to-dos and to-don'ts

I guess I haven't been keeping up with posting as I hoped I would. I think it comes down to the fact that I just haven't been all that thrilled with life lately. I seem to mostly just work and go to school. Andrew and I are still on opposite schedules for the most part. (Literally opposite, I pull into our alley at 3:30pm and he is usually leaving for work at that same time...it's depressing). By Thursdays (Andrew's only consistent day off) we are pretty much going on about how we haven't really seen each other all week. We spend much less time together now, than we did when we lived apart. I cannot wait until I'm through with school. I want free time! I miss going out with my friends, I miss having friends.

Last night, Andrew and I both had Friday night off (amazing). So we went out to dinner with Ty and Jordan ended up meeting us there. We went to Blind Lady Ale House. Andrew said he didn't really think the prices were worth it, but I really enjoyed this place. BLAH is family friendly and the food was yummy. I had Spring Vegetable Risotto. So delicious. After BLAH, we came back to the apartment and waited for Crystal, Kalen, Johanna, Andrea, and two other cousins of Crystal's to come over. We all walked down to U31 to celebrate Johanna's birthday. I had never been to U31, and it ended up being a better venue than I expected. Luckily, we got there before 10 pm so we didn't have to pay a cover. Seth, Ian, Danielle, Gerry, and Marco all joined us there. We enjoyed our night of dancing and drinking. The group all headed back to the apartment around 1:30 or so. Andrew made everyone enchilada's and we stayed up talking, playing music, and laughing until about 3:30 this morning. Andrew and I cleaned up the kitchen after everyone left and then we went to bed.

I didn't realize how much I missed my friends. I rarely see them anymore and I usually make excuses not to go out because I am tired from my hectic schedule. But I really need to push myself to go out more and see them. I love them. They really brighten my mood and lift my spirits. Luckily, I'll be going out with them next week for the baseball game.

Staying up so late last night really threw me off today. I woke up late, ran some errands with Andrew, took a nap after Andrew went to work, and then kind of just did nothing the rest of the evening. I really wanted to get through all of my assignments today, but I just wasn't motivated. I did do my MUSIC 106 assignment though. I guess I got something done. Here is my home stretch to-do list for approaching Finals!

MUSIC 106:
• Assignment #3: Due May 9th
• Discussion Board: Due May 9th
• Concert Review: Due May 14th I think.

SOC 408:
• Read and Code fieldnotes
• Write research paper: Due May 10th

SOC 433:
• Extra Credit Paper (topic-Obama's Policies): Due May 5th
• Extra Credit Documentary Summary: Due May 19th?
• Complete any reading I haven't yet
• 1 Pop Quiz left
• Online Final

• 1 Quiz left
• Final

SOC 403:
• Finish my Klein paper (1 - 1 1/2 page more): Due May 5th
• Study for Final: May 5th

SOC 350:
• Final: May 17th

I also need to register for summer classes on the 10th of May, come up with some ideas for Mother's Day, Andrew's mom's birthday is this month, my dad's birthday is this month, and I need to remember to sleep, eat, and breath this month. I really don't have too much school work left, I'm just so completely over it.

Well, Andrew should be home from work soon. I really need to be entertained.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hang in there Stephanie! The end is in sight :) I remember those crazy days of going to school and working and everything else. Trust me, it is worth it and you will do great!