
Day 05 through 11

Here are the photos from my 30 Day Photo Challenge:

Day 05: From a high angle

Day 06: From a low angle

Day 07: Fruit

Day 08: Bad habit

Day 09: Someone you love

Day 10: Childhood memory

Day 11: Something blue

As for my 31 Days to Clean, I have:

* Washed my window treatments in the kitchen
* Cleaned out and organized my kitchen cabinets
* Cleaned out and organized my pantry
* Cleaned out and organized the kitchen drawers
* Swept, vacuumed, and mopped the floors.
* Cleaned the window treatments in the living room
* Washed the walls and dusted the ceiling in the living room

Now I have to admit, I got backed up for a few days...but I'm all caught up now. Hopefully I can get these things accomplished by Halloween.

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